Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

A few years ago, I took a trip to Ireland.  It was my first time there, as well as my first time out of the country. Up until that point, I had not figured out a way to afford myself the opportunity to see the world. This was my very first step towards achieving that goal.  Although there's a strong possibility I may not see the entire world, I do dream of traveling to many spectacular destinations and soaking in the essence of their beauty.
 This having been my first trip to another country, I was in awe.  I could feel the energy of the land and the people who lived there, past and present. I was told before I arrived, how much I would enjoy the Irish, and indeed I did.  They were as warm and as kind as I had been lead to believe, not as guarded as one might expect others to be.  Almost as if  "strangers" did not exist.
As I traveled across the countryside I saw beauty everywhere.  It was wonderful to drive along the winding roads and explore the many sights. I had the freedom to stop along the roadside and document with my camera what my eye was observing.  I really wanted to just breathe and stay completely present but I knew this was a special moment in time for me.  A time that I would most definitely want to preserve, so I could share, look back on, and cherish with others.
As I was preparing to leave for Ireland, a well intended friend suggested that I skip my visit to the city of Dublin. The essence of  this friend's message was, it's just a city like any other, not much different from New York and that there were so many other beautiful sights to see. I took in this idea, allowing my mind to process what was said. But something deep inside of me, (that voice that knows better, and by "better" I mean that voice that knows You),, do not skip Dublin!  I am so grateful I listened to that Voice, my Higher Self, the one who knows me better than anyone. Dublin was one of my most favorite places.  It was where I saw beauty beyond what the eye can see.  I saw the beauty that is seen with the heart.
 I know my eyes are connected to my heart and it is why I tend to cry so easily.  When my heart is feeling deeply, the tears just begin to flow.  I have learned to embrace those tears.  I know there will come a time when my heart will remain open and tears will no longer be required to such a great extent. It is then, that I will be aware of my open heart and truly Love from that deep center of truth. My own truth.

One of the most beautiful sights I observed while in Dublin was an artist who was sharing his process of creation with passers by.  He was set up along a city street just outside the campus of Trinity. Most people were in a hurry and didn't take the time to stop, only a passing glance and maybe a coin tossed in his basket, but I couldn't help but stop. Maybe it was because I was in a new country and completely engaged, or maybe because I too am an artist and  was amazed by the detail of this man's work. But maybe it was because I was so moved by what appeared to be a man living his life by simply doing what he loved and sharing it with others. I think it may have been a combination of all three, but most definitely the last of these three.
 I took the time to introduce myself and connect with this wonderful soul. It was a moment that will live in my heart forever. A moment that allowed me to be filled with the grace of his beauty. I am forever moved and changed by that moment and my time spent in Dublin. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe there is, has and always will be extraordinary beauty just waiting to be seen.  We only need choose to see with an open heart.


  1. Oh YES, Dublin, what an amazing city; and not just like any other city. Bob was inspired that the cabbies are everyday citizens, and they talk with you. Our cabby told us that his wife loves to shop in New York, as the prices are so good. The city seems to have creativity in the air. People are very impressed with the writers and artists, and the pubs are often dedicated to one of the great Irish writers. Trinity college has a collection of Illuminated Manuscripts that are beautiful. It doesn't suprise me, knowing you even for a short time, that you connected with the street artist and shared a heart centered moment. How many of those moments pass us by when we are just passing through a place with a closed sensibility. It takes courage to be sensitive, and dare to feel your feelings. Thank you for sharing this and inspiring more of those moments.

    1. Thank you Susan...sounds like you enjoyed Ireland as much as I did!!! I do remember my cab driver being a real sweet heart of a guy :)))))
      Looking forward to returning and finding new places to visit!
